Tofu Flower Dessert – 豆腐花食譜 – [VIDEO | 有片]


Tofu Fa (豆腐花) is a traditional Chinese dessert. You can often order them in Chinese restaurants. “Fa” in Chinese means flower. It’s an image to describe when the tofu cracks. If you made it with fresh soy milk, there will be a strong aroma of soy beans which is quite delicious. It is white, smooth and silky. Here is the recipe our family used for years. Enjoy! Recipe 食譜 For 4 people | 四人份 Time: 30 mins | 時間:30 分鐘 1. Pour 1L of unsweetened soy milk in a pot,…

A New Healthy Choice for Ramen in Toronto – TSUJIRI

Ramen (ラーメン) is a Japanese adaptation of the Chinese Lamian (拉麺). “拉” means pull and “麺” means noodle. In full that means Ramen is made by twisting, stretching, pulling and folding the dough into strands, using the weight of the dough. A bowl of ramen must be combined with wheat noodles and soup. A good bowl of ramen is usually not very healthy. If we combined the fat, cabs and sodium together. One bowl of tonkatsu ramen (568g) can be up to 656 calories. On top of that, it also…